Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25th games

Recap-Woho epsilon beat hellraisers! Now because Epsilon had to forfeit their match against Na'Vi so  I will not be counting this as a lose or a win(in predictions) so that means i am back to 1 predction right in a row again

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~July 25th games~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fnatic Vs. Epsilon~~~Predicted winner~~~Epsilon~~Why? Well FxYo had a amazing first time aperance on a top team in a huge match, and top fraged. In the big rematch of Hr Vs epsilon FxYo was a game changer(that jump off of cat to awp the guy in ct #remember) If FxYo plays like he did before and GMX and Shox do what they are best at I don;t think Fnatic has a chance.
Bet risk: High, we can only guess that FxYo could have another game changing performance.

Virtus Pro. Vs Fnatic~~~~~~~~Predicted winner~~~~~Virtus Pro.~~~~Why? Well VP is very strong team, Fnatic while they have played well but had some close encounters, like tieing HR and barely beating Titan(a team no longer deserving of their name) While virtus pro is cleaning up except their only recent  lose against ESG! a really good team. I also think  Virtus Pro. has the better communication and teamwork from lots of games with the same roster.
Bet risk:Medium, I think Virtus pro has about 70% chance of winning

Epsilon Vs Virtus Pro.~~~~~~~~Predicted winner~~~~~EPSILON~~Why? Well Epsilon has been doing decent lately, Beating HR again but with a little extra help, FxYo. I think that if FxYo, shox and GMX work well together and as a team it's GG Virtus pro. FxYo is a great awper, like who watch him play against HR on Dust2 how many times did he tag or kill people through smoke and mid doors. If what we saw from FxYo last game is really the level he plays at this will be a really hard match for VP.
Bet Risk:HIGH HIGH HIGH, This match really depends if the players on Epsilon are playing their best.

Well I hoped you guys enjoyed to days blog and check it out again some time! If you want more from us check out our YouTube channel over at :

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 23rd Matches

Hello guys sadly because esg! beat Epsilon that resets are counter so we are back to 0 correct in a row  :(

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~July 23rd Matches~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

HellRaisers Vs. Epsilon~~~~Predicted winner Epsilon~~~~Why? Well at least for me currently the odds for Epsilon are WAY out of proportion. Like really 68%hr vs. 32% Epsilon, remember the last you guys let HR percentage get out of hand? Yeah that's right the lost to Epsilon only 4 days ago 82%Hr Vs 18%Epsilon. I feel we will See a match a lot like 4 days ago, HR or epsilon take the first map, then the team that loses the first map winners the second one. Now at a 1-1 score, epsilon I feel will take this map. Why? Well epsilon is a very adjustable team. They can adjust to how a team playing very quickly. (thus the 16-0 on dust). That's why I think Epsilon will win.
Bet risk: High, epsilon is a team that has two players GMX and Shox, if they are playing their best it's GG for HR. But will they play their best?

____TBD______Vs. Na'Vi~~~~~Predicted winner~~~~~TBD? Well this is hard to predict because we don't quite know who's playing. I would say Na'Vi have been in a small absence while both of these teams have been competing against top teams. If either of the TBD teams (HR or EP) stomp the other one or looks like they are playing extremely well, bet on them. If its a mediocre game in the sense neither team is dominating then put your bet on Na'Vi.
Bet Risk: High, currently we have some idea of who the team could be, but the outcome of this match depends on the performance of either of those teams.

Well I hoped you guys enjoyed todays blog and check it out again some time! If you want more from us cheack out our youtube channel over at :

Monday, July 21, 2014

July 21st Games

 Hello and today we have a lot of good matches! LDLC Vs. ESG!. LDLC Vs Reason and ESG! Vs. Epsilon.

Currently I have 1 correct game in a row so we are 4 away from a $5 giveaway. Let's begin.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~July 21st Games~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

LDLC Vs. Reason~~~Predicted winner: LDLC~~~Why? So far LDLC has been playing very well. After winning Dreamhack Valencia (don't thing i spelled that right!) they had to beat very strong teams, such as Hellraisers, Epsilon, Fnatic and Kick. While Reason had a poor performance loosing to  Fnatic(LDLC beat Fnatic), Titan a team that is top tier but hasn't been preforming lately. I feel that LDLC is a better team just by the numbers, so that is why I predict LDLC will win.
Bet risk Level:Safe, I feel LDLC is just better team and don't really have a chance at losing it to Reason.

LDLC Vs. ESG!~~~~~Predicted winner LDLC~~~Why? Well lets look at both teams track records, ESG! just recently lost to AliGon(AG) a team not known to beat teams like LDLC, Virtus pro and NIP. ESG! also lost to HellRaisers a team that LDLC beat. Now lets look at players, team LDLC have the notorious KQLY and apEX(depending on the day) while their team has GREAT coordination. While ESG! realize more on their teams carries. Maikelele and Delpan, easily the TWO BEST players on their team. These players can shape and create the outcome of matches, But the problem is if Delpan or Maikelele aren't at their best, we can expect a easy LDLC win.
Bet Risk: HIGH, ESG! has two players that are capable of shreading any team that gets in their way. The question is will they be playing their best?

Epsilon Vs. ESG!~~~~~~Predicted winner~~~~~~Epsilon~~~~~~Why? Well this match is going to be close but I feel Epsilon has the upper hand. Both of these teams have their two carries Shox and GMX for Epsilon and Maikelele and delpan for ESG! The one difference? Well Epsilon roster also has other players that can hold their own such as Mistou and KioshiMa unlike ESG! who have players like Roque, the equivalent of having a nova play with global Elite, yes he will pick up 4-6kills because he was hiding, but will not really help your team. In the end this will be a really close game depending on which players decides to wake up the game could have very different results.
Bet risk:HIGH: Both teams seem to really on their carries and best players without them they could easily lose. This match really just depends on who starts playing their best. If shox and GMX start playing very well ESG! doesn't have a chance.

Well I hoped you enjoyed to days blog and prediction and i hope you tune in again! Also leave a follow so you can always be updated about the newest blog! If you enjoyed my writing check out our YouTube channel where me and Eddie post CsGo videos at

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Betting predictions for July 20th~~~~~

Hey guys and welcome to today's prediction for July 20th. Today we only seem to have 1 match, a semi-nobody match but eh, it's on CsGolounge! So lets Bet!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~July 20th Matches~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Today's only match is on Csgolounge(but not on, Why? I don't Know) First of all my source was hard to find but finally tracked down the tournament holders website*. This match is In- between and dysfunctional. My predicted winner is Why? Well the last two times and dysfunctional played each other (In a Bo3) won Both times 2-0**. Now history doesn't always repeat itself, but considering won both times 2-0 shows they have some margin for error(allowing dysfunctional to get 1 map). For these reasons I believe Will win this. RISK LEVEL: Safe, this is one of the few times I will rate a match safe, in this case I will because have simply showed they are a better team.

Sources: *

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Important INFO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hey guys I have some GREAT news! First of all I am back from vacation and should be around for all of ESL, also I will be starting a new reward system if you will. Every time I get 5 games in a row correct i will give away $5 skins, when i get 10strait games correct i will give away $10 in skin and so on. All these giveaways will happen over at ourYoutube channle at :

Sunday, July 13, 2014

14th of July Betting predictions

Hello everybody and my name is Eric, im mostly knowen for my great predictions over at , Atlast I got inactive on it and kind of lost faith, BUT NOW IM BACK. With a new partnership I will be working with Eddie, and like you and me he is a advid CsGo Fan. Thats enough about me so lets get this party started!!!!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~July 14th matches~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Reason Vs. ESG!------- Prediction---ESG! Will win~~~ Reasoning: ESG! has been on a good winning streak, excluding today's game against HR. Some may say they lost because Maikelele lost connection to the game and ESG! had Peta as a stand in, I will not touch much on this subject because it is a controversial topic. If Delpan and Maikelele are doing well Reason don't stand a chance. Now one of my pet peeves as a predictor is when people use chain events, (ex. HR beat VP and NIP beat HR so NIP will beat HR) but Im going to do this in a way, In ESG! past game they Beat Reason so one would say they will win again, This is a mostly true statement, but it's CS so anything can happen. Also Reason Lost to both Titan and VP, Teams which ESG! beat. So I would rate this a Medium Risk Bet: because if Maikelele has connection problems again the game might get a bit sweaty.

OverGaming(OG) Vs. BuggIT~~~~~~~ Winner OverGaming~~~~Reasoning: OG has had good performance against teams like HR(lost 12-16) and Mousesports(lost 11-16) both of these teams have been doing pretty well lately, Including them beating Reason(16-14). BuggIT has a lot less of a impressive history, Losing to London Conspiracy 1-2(bo3)(who is this team?) Losing to Kissinmintu 0-2 (bo3) (honestly i have never heard of this team). I think you see the trend. I feel OG is just a better team performance wise.
Bet risk: Medium~~~ I don't think many of us have seen BuggIT play, with two names that are somebody on their roster (Twist and Pyth) these players could surprise us. With OG probably having little to research up on I think this game will come down to pure individual skill and teamwork (Which I feel OG has more of.)

Epsilon Vs. Hell Raisers~~~Predicted winner HR~~~`Reasoning: HR have been playing very well lately, Beating ESG! 16-8 a team who beat Titan and Virtus Pro. Rumor has it that HR have also been boot camping, this means improved teamwork and Better Ping for Andren, a player who can change the outcome of a game. Epsilon has some decent players such as Shox,SF and GMX, We haven't seen much of Epsilon playing good/high ranked teams lately, so their performance against a top tier team such as HellRaisers is kind of hard to predict. In the end I feel that HR have the upper hand because they have been playing and winning against higher tier teams.
Bet risk:Medium~~~Epsilon have been absent in playing good teams lately so their performance may surprise us, because odds on HR are currently really high, I would recommend placing a small bet on Epsilon(a backpack cleaner in a sense).

Hell Raisers Vs. LDLD~~~~~~Predicted winner~~~~~LDLC~~~~Reasoning: Yes HR have been doing well lately but I don't think they are quite up to par with LDLC,  LDLC have some well seasoned players on their roster who have played for many years together. Team LDLC I feel Has the best Teamwork. HellRaisers has the best individual players. This match will be very, very close. When LDLC played VP the lost in a BO3 1-2, this shows they are capable of winning against a team as high as VP, While Hellraisers lost 11-16. In the end this match has many outcomes, and for once as a predicted I can admit this match is the luck of the draw. I feel it will come down to who can get the lucky rounds. Betting Risk:HIGH: For this match in my opinion bet on the team that has the best odds, a match up like this is a coin flip in many ways, DO NOT BET ON THIS MATCH IF YOU CAN NOT AFFORD THE LOSS.

Did you enjoy these Predictions? Then please leave a comment below and check out our other resources, We just started a new YouTube channel at     Check it out and leave a sub!

~~~~~~~~Important Info on Writer~~~~~~
Hey guys I will be away For about 1 week on vacation, and will not be able to post most likely, but Eddie will be updating the YouTube channel so you can enjoy that while I'm gone!