Friday, July 25, 2014

July 25th games

Recap-Woho epsilon beat hellraisers! Now because Epsilon had to forfeit their match against Na'Vi so  I will not be counting this as a lose or a win(in predictions) so that means i am back to 1 predction right in a row again

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~July 25th games~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fnatic Vs. Epsilon~~~Predicted winner~~~Epsilon~~Why? Well FxYo had a amazing first time aperance on a top team in a huge match, and top fraged. In the big rematch of Hr Vs epsilon FxYo was a game changer(that jump off of cat to awp the guy in ct #remember) If FxYo plays like he did before and GMX and Shox do what they are best at I don;t think Fnatic has a chance.
Bet risk: High, we can only guess that FxYo could have another game changing performance.

Virtus Pro. Vs Fnatic~~~~~~~~Predicted winner~~~~~Virtus Pro.~~~~Why? Well VP is very strong team, Fnatic while they have played well but had some close encounters, like tieing HR and barely beating Titan(a team no longer deserving of their name) While virtus pro is cleaning up except their only recent  lose against ESG! a really good team. I also think  Virtus Pro. has the better communication and teamwork from lots of games with the same roster.
Bet risk:Medium, I think Virtus pro has about 70% chance of winning

Epsilon Vs Virtus Pro.~~~~~~~~Predicted winner~~~~~EPSILON~~Why? Well Epsilon has been doing decent lately, Beating HR again but with a little extra help, FxYo. I think that if FxYo, shox and GMX work well together and as a team it's GG Virtus pro. FxYo is a great awper, like who watch him play against HR on Dust2 how many times did he tag or kill people through smoke and mid doors. If what we saw from FxYo last game is really the level he plays at this will be a really hard match for VP.
Bet Risk:HIGH HIGH HIGH, This match really depends if the players on Epsilon are playing their best.

Well I hoped you guys enjoyed to days blog and check it out again some time! If you want more from us check out our YouTube channel over at :


  1. I won about 15$ in first match but i lost 20€ in the third one xD

  2. yeh i lost the epsilon Vs. Fnatic but won like 8$ on the Epsilon Vs. Vp, so a profit day :D

  3. You have a good point here!I totally agree with what you have said!!Thanks for sharing your views...hope more people will read this article!!! CSGO GAMBLING
